(* Authors: Christian Doczkal and Jan-Oliver Kaiser *)
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq choice.
From mathcomp Require Import fintype path fingraph finfun finset generic_quotient.
Require Import misc languages dfa.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Local Open Scope quotient_scope.
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq choice.
From mathcomp Require Import fintype path fingraph finfun finset generic_quotient.
Require Import misc languages dfa.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Local Open Scope quotient_scope.
Section Minimization.
Variable (char : finType).
Local Notation word := (word char).
Local Notation dfa := (dfa char).
Definition coll (A : dfa) x y := forall w, (delta x w \in dfa_fin A) = (delta y w \in dfa_fin A).
Definition connected (A : dfa) := surjective (delta_s A).
Definition collapsed (A : dfa) := forall x y: A, coll x y <-> x = y.
Definition minimal (A : dfa) := forall B, dfa_lang A =i dfa_lang B -> #|A| <= #|B|.
Definition dfa_iso (A1 A2 : dfa) :=
exists i: A1 -> A2,
[/\ bijective i,
forall x a, i (dfa_trans x a) = dfa_trans (i x) a,
forall x, i (x) \in dfa_fin A2 = (x \in dfa_fin A1) &
i (dfa_s A1) = dfa_s A2 ].
Section Isomopism.
Variables (A B : dfa).
Hypothesis L_AB : dfa_lang A =i dfa_lang B.
Hypothesis (A_coll: collapsed A) (B_coll: collapsed B).
Hypothesis (A_conn : connected A) (B_conn : connected B).
Definition iso := delta_s B \o cr A_conn.
Definition iso_inv := delta_s A \o cr B_conn.
Lemma delta_iso w x : delta (iso x) w \in dfa_fin B = (delta x w \in dfa_fin A).
Proof. by rewrite -{2}[x](crK (Sf := A_conn)) -!delta_cat !delta_lang L_AB. Qed.
Lemma delta_iso_inv w x : delta (iso_inv x) w \in dfa_fin A = (delta x w \in dfa_fin B).
Proof. by rewrite -{2}[x](crK (Sf := B_conn)) -!delta_cat !delta_lang L_AB. Qed.
Lemma can_iso : cancel iso_inv iso.
Proof. move => x. apply/B_coll => w. by rewrite delta_iso delta_iso_inv. Qed.
Lemma can_iso_inv : cancel iso iso_inv.
Proof. move => x. apply/A_coll => w. by rewrite delta_iso_inv delta_iso. Qed.
Lemma coll_iso : dfa_iso A B.
exists iso. split.
- exact: Bijective can_iso_inv can_iso.
- move => x a. apply/B_coll => w. rewrite -[_ (iso x) a]/(delta (iso x) [::a]).
by rewrite -delta_cat -!delta_iso_inv !can_iso_inv.
- move => x. by rewrite -[iso x]/(delta _ [::]) delta_iso.
- apply/B_coll => w. by rewrite delta_iso !delta_lang.
Lemma dfa_iso_size : dfa_iso A B -> #|A| = #|B|.
Proof. move => [iso [H _ _ _]]. exact (bij_card H). Qed.
End Isomopism.
Lemma abstract_minimization A f :
(forall B, dfa_lang (f B) =i dfa_lang B /\ #|f B| <= #|B| /\ connected (f B) /\ collapsed (f B))
-> minimal (f A).
move => H B L_AB. apply: (@leq_trans #|f B|); last by firstorder. apply: eq_leq.
apply: dfa_iso_size. (apply: coll_iso; try apply H) => w. rewrite L_AB. by case (H B) => ->.
Section Prune.
Variable A : dfa.
Definition reachable (q:A) := exseq_dec (@delta_rc _ A) (pred1 q).
Definition connectedb := [forall x: A, reachable x].
Lemma connectedP : reflect (connected A) (connectedb).
apply: (iffP forallP) => H y; first by move/dec_eq: (H y).
apply/dec_eq. case (H y) => x Hx. by exists x.
Definition reachable_type := { x:A | reachable x }.
Lemma reachable_trans_proof (x : reachable_type) a : reachable (dfa_trans (val x) a).
apply/dec_eq. case/dec_eq : (svalP x) => /= y /eqP <-.
exists (y++[::a]). by rewrite delta_cat.
Definition reachable_trans (x : reachable_type) a : reachable_type :=
Sub (dfa_trans (val x) a) (reachable_trans_proof x a).
Lemma reachabe_s_proof : reachable (dfa_s A).
Proof. apply/dec_eq. exists nil. exact: eqxx. Qed.
Definition reachable_s : reachable_type := Sub (dfa_s A) reachabe_s_proof.
Definition dfa_prune := {|
dfa_s := reachable_s;
dfa_fin := [set x | val x \in dfa_fin A];
dfa_trans := reachable_trans |}.
Lemma dfa_prune_correct : dfa_lang dfa_prune =i dfa_lang A.
rewrite /dfa_lang /= -[dfa_s A]/(val reachable_s) => w.
rewrite !inE. elim: w (reachable_s) => [|a w IHw] [x Hx] //=.
+ by rewrite /dfa_accept inE.
+ by rewrite accE IHw.
Lemma dfa_prune_connected : connected dfa_prune.
move => q. case/dec_eq: (svalP q) => /= x Hx. exists x.
elim/last_ind : x q Hx => //= x a IHx q.
rewrite -!cats1 /delta_s !delta_cat -!/(delta_s _ x) => H.
have X : reachable (delta_s A x). apply/dec_eq; exists x. exact: eqxx.
by rewrite (eqP (IHx (Sub (delta_s A x) X) _)).
Hint Resolve dfa_prune_connected : core.
Lemma dfa_prune_size : #|dfa_prune| <= #|A|.
Proof. by rewrite card_sig subset_leq_card // subset_predT. Qed.
If pruning does not remove any states, the automaton is connected
Lemma prune_eq_connected : #|A| = #|dfa_prune| -> connected A.
move => H. apply/connectedP. apply/forallP => x.
by move: (cardT_eq (Logic.eq_sym H)) ->.
End Prune.
Quoitient modulo collapsing relation
Decidabilty of the collapsing relation
Definition coll_fun (p q : A) x := (delta p x,delta q x).
Lemma coll_fun_RC p q x y a :
coll_fun p q x = coll_fun p q y -> coll_fun p q (x++[::a]) = coll_fun p q (y++[::a]).
Proof. move => [H1 H2]. by rewrite /coll_fun !delta_cat H1 H2. Qed.
Definition collb p q : bool :=
allseq_dec (@coll_fun_RC p q) [pred p | (p.1 \in dfa_fin A) == (p.2 \in dfa_fin A)].
Lemma collP p q : reflect (coll p q) (collb p q).
apply: (iffP idP).
- move/dec_eq => H x. by move/eqP: (H x).
- move => H. apply/dec_eq => x. apply/eqP. exact: H.
Lemma collb_refl x : collb x x.
Proof. apply/collP. rewrite /coll. auto. Qed.
Lemma collb_sym : symmetric collb.
Proof. move => x y. by apply/collP/collP; move => H w; rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma collb_trans : transitive collb.
Proof. move => x y z /collP H1 /collP H2. apply/collP => w. by rewrite H1 H2. Qed.
Lemma collb_step a x y : collb x y -> collb (dfa_trans x a) (dfa_trans y a).
Proof. move => /collP H. apply/collP => w. by rewrite !delta_cons H. Qed.
We make collb the canonical equivalence relation on A and take
the corresponding quotient type as state space for the minimized automaton
Canonical collb_equiv := EquivRelPack (EquivClass collb_refl collb_sym collb_trans).
Definition collapse_state := {eq_quot collb_equiv}.
Canonical min_quotType := [quotType of collapse_state].
Canonical min_subType := [subType collapse_state of A by %/].
Canonical min_eqType := EqType _ [eqMixin of collapse_state by <:%/].
Canonical min_choiceType := ChoiceType _ [choiceMixin of collapse_state by <:%/].
Canonical min_finType := FinType _ [finMixin of min_eqType by <:%/].
Canonical min_subFinType := [subFinType of collapse_state].
Definition collapse : dfa := {|
dfa_s := \pi_(collapse_state) (dfa_s A);
dfa_trans x a := \pi (dfa_trans (repr x) a);
dfa_fin := [set x : collapse_state | repr x \in dfa_fin A ] |}.
Lemma collapse_delta (x : A) w :
delta (\pi x : collapse) w = \pi (delta x w).
elim: w x => //= a w IHw x. rewrite -IHw. f_equal.
apply/eqmodP. apply: collb_step. exact: epiK.
Lemma collapse_fin (x : A) :
(\pi x \in dfa_fin collapse) = (x \in dfa_fin A).
rewrite /collapse /= inE.
by move/collP: (epiK collb_equiv x) => /(_ [::]).
End Collapse.
Lemma collapse_collapsed (A : dfa) : collapsed (collapse A).
split => [H|->]; last by apply/collP; exact: collb_refl.
rewrite -[x]reprK -[y]reprK. apply/eqmodP/collP => w.
by rewrite -!collapse_fin -!collapse_delta !reprK.
Lemma collapse_correct A : dfa_lang (collapse A) =i dfa_lang A.
move => w. rewrite !inE /dfa_accept {1}/dfa_s /= inE collapse_delta.
by rewrite -!collapse_fin reprK.
Lemma collapse_size A : #|collapse A| <= #|A|.
Proof. rewrite card_sub. exact: max_card. Qed.
Lemma collapse_connected A : connected A -> connected (collapse A).
move => H x. case: (H (repr x)) => w /eqP Hw. exists w.
by rewrite /delta_s collapse_delta -/(delta_s A w) Hw reprK.
Combine prunine and collapsing into minimization function
Definition minimize := collapse \o dfa_prune.
Lemma minimize_size (A : dfa) : #|minimize A| <= #|A|.
Proof. exact: leq_trans (collapse_size _) (dfa_prune_size _). Qed.
Lemma minimize_collapsed (A : dfa) : collapsed (minimize A).
Proof. exact: collapse_collapsed. Qed.
Lemma minimize_connected (A : dfa) : connected (minimize A).
Proof. apply collapse_connected. exact: dfa_prune_connected. Qed.
Lemma minimize_correct (A : dfa) : dfa_lang (minimize A) =i dfa_lang A.
Proof. move => x. by rewrite collapse_correct dfa_prune_correct. Qed.
Hint Resolve minimize_size minimize_collapsed minimize_connected : core.
Lemma minimize_minimal A : minimal (minimize A).
Proof. apply: abstract_minimization => B. auto using minimize_correct. (* and hints *) Qed.
Lemma minimal_connected A : minimal A -> connected A.
move => MA. apply: prune_eq_connected.
apply/eqP. rewrite eqn_leq dfa_prune_size andbT.
apply: MA => x. by rewrite dfa_prune_correct.
Lemma minimal_collapsed A : minimal A -> collapsed A.
move => MA.
have B : bijective (\pi_(collapse_state A)).
apply: surj_card_bij.
- move => x. exists (repr x). by rewrite reprK.
- apply/eqP. rewrite eqn_leq collapse_size (MA (collapse A)) // => x.
by rewrite collapse_correct.
move => x y. split => [|->]; last exact/collP/collb_refl.
move/collP/eqmodP. exact: bij_inj.
In order to generalize the reasoning above to arbitrary quotients
types over finite types we would first have to ensure that {eq_quot e}
inherits the finType structure on the carrier of e. By default
this is not the case
Lemma minimalP A : minimal A <-> (connected A /\ collapsed A).
- move => H. split. exact: minimal_connected. exact: minimal_collapsed.
- move => [H1 H2] B L_AB. apply: leq_trans _ (minimize_size _). apply: eq_leq.
apply: dfa_iso_size. apply: coll_iso => // x. by rewrite minimize_correct.
Lemma minimal_iso A B :
dfa_lang A =i dfa_lang B -> minimal A -> minimal B -> dfa_iso A B.
Proof. move => L_AB /minimalP [? ?] /minimalP [? ?]. exact: coll_iso. Qed.
End Minimization.