(* Authors: Christian Doczkal and Jan-Oliver Kaiser *)
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import misc languages dfa.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Section NFA.
Variable char : finType.
Local Notation word := (word char).
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import misc languages dfa.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Section NFA.
Variable char : finType.
Local Notation word := (word char).
Nondeterministic Finite Automata.
Record nfa : Type := {
nfa_state :> finType;
nfa_s : { set nfa_state };
nfa_fin : { set nfa_state };
nfa_trans : nfa_state -> char -> nfa_state -> bool }.
Fixpoint nfa_accept (A : nfa) (x : A) w :=
if w is a :: w' then [exists (y | nfa_trans x a y), nfa_accept y w']
else x \in nfa_fin A.
Definition nfa_lang (A : nfa) := [pred w | [exists s, (s \in nfa_s A) && nfa_accept s w]].
Record enfa : Type := {
enfa_state :> finType;
enfa_s : {set enfa_state};
enfa_f : {set enfa_state};
enfa_trans : option char -> enfa_state -> enfa_state -> bool }.
Section EpsilonNFA.
Variables (N : enfa).
For eNFAs, acceptance is defined relationally since structural
recursion over the word is no longer possible.
Inductive enfa_accept : N -> word -> Prop :=
| EnfaFin q : q \in enfa_f N -> enfa_accept q [::]
| EnfaSome p a q x : enfa_trans (Some a) p q -> enfa_accept q x -> enfa_accept p (a::x)
| EnfaNone p q x : enfa_trans None p q -> enfa_accept q x -> enfa_accept p (x).
Definition enfa_lang x := exists2 s, s \in enfa_s N & enfa_accept s x.
We convert eNFAs to NFAs by extending the set of starting states and all
transitions by epsipon-reachable states - also known as epsilon closure
Definition eps_reach (p : N) := [set q | connect (enfa_trans None) p q].
Lemma lift_accept p q x : q \in eps_reach p -> enfa_accept q x -> enfa_accept p x.
rewrite inE => /connectP [s]. elim: s p x q => //= [p x q _ -> //| q s IHs p x q'].
case/andP => pq ? ? H. apply: EnfaNone pq _. exact: IHs H.
Definition nfa_of :=
{| nfa_s := \bigcup_(p in enfa_s N) (eps_reach p);
nfa_fin := enfa_f N;
nfa_trans p a q := [exists p', enfa_trans (Some a) p p' && (q \in eps_reach p') ] |}.
Lemma enfaE x p :
(enfa_accept p x) <-> (exists2 q : nfa_of, q \in eps_reach p & nfa_accept q x).
Proof. split.
- elim => {p x} [q H|p a q x H _ [q' Hq1 Hq2]|p p' x].
+ exists q => //. by rewrite inE connect0.
+ exists p => /=; first by rewrite inE connect0.
apply/exists_inP. exists q' => //. apply/exists_inP. by exists q.
+ move => H1 H2 [q Hq1 Hq2]. exists q => //. rewrite !inE in Hq1 *.
exact: connect_trans (connect1 _) Hq1.
- elim: x p => [|a x IH] p [p'] R /= H. apply: lift_accept R _. exact: EnfaFin.
case/exists_inP : H => q /exists_inP [q' pq' qq'] H. apply: lift_accept R _.
apply: EnfaSome pq' _. apply: IH. by exists q.
Lemma nfa_ofP x : reflect (enfa_lang x) (x \in nfa_lang nfa_of).
apply: (iffP exists_inP) => [[p Hp1 Hp2]|[s Hs1 /enfaE [p Hp1 Hp2]]].
- case/bigcupP : Hp1 => s Hs H. exists s => //. by apply/enfaE; exists p.
- exists p => //. by apply/bigcupP; exists s.
End EpsilonNFA.
Equivalence of DFAs and NFAs
We use the powerset construction to obtain a deterministic automaton from a non-deterministic one.
Section PowersetConstruction.
Variable A : nfa.
Definition nfa_to_dfa := {|
dfa_s := nfa_s A;
dfa_fin := [set X | X :&: nfa_fin A != set0];
dfa_trans X a := [set q | [exists (p | p \in X), nfa_trans p a q]]
Lemma nfa_to_dfa_correct : nfa_lang A =i dfa_lang nfa_to_dfa.
move => w. rewrite !inE {2}/nfa_to_dfa /=.
elim: w (nfa_s _) => [|a x IH] X; rewrite /= accE ?inE.
- apply/existsP/set0Pn => [] [p] H; exists p; by rewrite inE in H *.
- rewrite -IH /dfa_trans /=. apply/exists_inP/exists_inP.
+ case => p inX /exists_inP [q ? ?]. exists q => //. rewrite inE.
apply/exists_inP. by exists p.
+ case => p. rewrite inE => /exists_inP [q] ? ? ?.
exists q => //. apply/exists_inP. by exists p.
End PowersetConstruction.
Variable A : nfa.
Definition nfa_to_dfa := {|
dfa_s := nfa_s A;
dfa_fin := [set X | X :&: nfa_fin A != set0];
dfa_trans X a := [set q | [exists (p | p \in X), nfa_trans p a q]]
Lemma nfa_to_dfa_correct : nfa_lang A =i dfa_lang nfa_to_dfa.
move => w. rewrite !inE {2}/nfa_to_dfa /=.
elim: w (nfa_s _) => [|a x IH] X; rewrite /= accE ?inE.
- apply/existsP/set0Pn => [] [p] H; exists p; by rewrite inE in H *.
- rewrite -IH /dfa_trans /=. apply/exists_inP/exists_inP.
+ case => p inX /exists_inP [q ? ?]. exists q => //. rewrite inE.
apply/exists_inP. by exists p.
+ case => p. rewrite inE => /exists_inP [q] ? ? ?.
exists q => //. apply/exists_inP. by exists p.
End PowersetConstruction.
We also embed NFAs into DFAs.
Section Embed.
Variable A : dfa char.
Definition dfa_to_nfa : nfa := {|
nfa_s := [set dfa_s A];
nfa_fin := dfa_fin A;
nfa_trans x a y := dfa_trans x a == y |}.
Lemma dfa_to_nfa_correct : dfa_lang A =i nfa_lang dfa_to_nfa.
move => w. rewrite !inE /nfa_s /=.
elim: w (dfa_s A) => [|b w IHw] x; rewrite accE /=.
- apply/idP/existsP => [Fx|[y /andP [/set1P ->]]//].
exists x. by rewrite !inE eqxx.
- rewrite IHw. apply/exists_inP/exists_inP.
+ case => y /set1P -> H. exists x; first exact: set11.
apply/existsP. exists (dfa_trans x b). by rewrite H eqxx.
+ case => y /set1P -> {y} /existsP [z] /andP [] /eqP-> H.
exists z; by rewrite ?set11.
End Embed.
Operations on NFAs
Definition nfa_char (a:char) :=
{| nfa_s := [set false];
nfa_fin := [set true];
nfa_trans p b q := if (p,q) is (false,true) then (b == a) else false |}.
Lemma nfa_char_correct (a : char) : nfa_lang (nfa_char a) =1 pred1 [:: a].
move => w /=. apply/exists_inP/eqP => [[p]|].
- rewrite inE => /eqP->. case: w => [|b [|c w]] /=; first by rewrite inE.
+ by case/exists_inP => [[/eqP->|//]].
+ case/exists_inP => [[_|//]]. by case/exists_inP.
- move->. exists false; first by rewrite inE. apply/exists_inP.
exists true; by rewrite ?inE //=.
Definition nfa_plus (N M : nfa) :=
{| nfa_s := [set q | match q with inl q => q \in nfa_s N | inr q => q \in nfa_s M end ];
nfa_fin := [set q | match q with inl q => q \in nfa_fin N | inr q => q \in nfa_fin M end ];
nfa_trans p a q := match p,a,q with
| inl p,a,inl q => nfa_trans p a q
| inr p,a,inr q => nfa_trans p a q
| _,_,_ => false
end |}.
Lemma nfa_plus_correct (N M : nfa) :
nfa_lang (nfa_plus N M) =i plus (nfa_lang N) (nfa_lang M).
move => w. apply/idP/idP.
- case/exists_inP => [[s|s]]; rewrite !inE => A B;
apply/orP;[left|right];apply/exists_inP; exists s => //.
+ elim: w s {A} B => /= [|a w IH] s; first by rewrite inE.
case/exists_inP => [[|]// p A /IH B]. apply/exists_inP. by exists p.
+ elim: w s {A} B => /= [|a w IH] s; first by rewrite inE.
case/exists_inP => [[|]// p A /IH B]. apply/exists_inP. by exists p.
- rewrite !inE. case/orP => /exists_inP [s A B];
apply/exists_inP; [exists(inl s)|exists(inr s)]; rewrite ?inE //.
+ elim: w s {A} B => /= [|a w IH] s; first by rewrite inE.
case/exists_inP => [p A /IH B]. apply/exists_inP. by exists (inl p).
+ elim: w s {A} B => /= [|a w IH] s; first by rewrite inE.
case/exists_inP => [p A /IH B]. apply/exists_inP. by exists (inr p).
Definition nfa_eps : nfa :=
{| nfa_s := [set tt]; nfa_fin := [set tt]; nfa_trans p a q := false |}.
Lemma nfa_eps_correct: nfa_lang (nfa_eps) =i pred1 [::].
move => w. apply/exists_inP/idP.
+ move => [[]]. case: w => [|a w] //= _. by case/exists_inP.
+ move => /=. rewrite inE=>/eqP->. exists tt; by rewrite /= inE.
The automata for concatenation and Kleene star are constructed by
taking NFAs as input and first building eNFAs which are then converted
to NFAs.
Section eNFAOps.
Variables A1 A2 : nfa.
Definition enfa_conc : enfa :=
{| enfa_s := inl @: nfa_s A1;
enfa_f := inr @: nfa_fin A2;
enfa_trans c p q :=
match c,p,q with
| Some a,inl p',inl q' => nfa_trans p' a q'
| Some a,inr p',inr q' => nfa_trans p' a q'
| None,inl p', inr q' => (p' \in nfa_fin A1) && (q' \in nfa_s A2)
| _,_,_ => false
end |}.
Lemma enfa_concE (p : enfa_conc) x : enfa_accept p x ->
match p with
| inr p' => nfa_accept p' x
| inl p' => exists x1 x2, [/\ x = x1 ++ x2, nfa_accept p' x1 & x2 \in nfa_lang A2]
elim => {p x} [[?|?] /imsetP [q] // ? [->] //||].
- move => [p|p] a [q|q] x //.
+ move => pq _ [x1] [x2] [X1 X2 X3]. exists (a::x1); exists x2; subst; split => //.
by apply/exists_inP; exists q.
+ move => pq _ Hq. by apply/exists_inP; exists q.
- move => [p|p] [q|q] //= x /andP[Hp Hq] _ ?. exists [::]; exists x; split => //.
by apply/exists_inP; exists q.
Lemma enfa_concIr (p : A2) x : nfa_accept p x -> @enfa_accept enfa_conc (inr p) x.
elim: x p => [p Hp|a x IH p /= /exists_inP [q q1 q2]].
- by constructor; rewrite mem_imset.
- apply: (@EnfaSome enfa_conc _ _ (inr q)) => //. exact: IH.
Lemma enfa_concIl (p : A1) x1 x2 :
nfa_accept p x1 -> x2 \in nfa_lang A2 -> @enfa_accept enfa_conc (inl p) (x1++x2).
elim: x1 p => /= [p Hp /exists_inP [q q1 q2]|a x1 IH p /exists_inP [q q1 q2] H].
- apply: (@EnfaNone enfa_conc _ (inr q)). by rewrite /= Hp. exact: enfa_concIr.
- apply: (@EnfaSome enfa_conc _ _ (inl q)). by rewrite /= q1. exact: IH.
Lemma enfa_concP x : reflect (enfa_lang enfa_conc x) (conc (nfa_lang A1) (nfa_lang A2) x).
apply: (iffP (@concP _ _ _ _)) => [[x1] [x2] [X1 [X2 X3]] |].
- case/exists_inP : X2 => s ? ?. exists (inl s); first by rewrite /enfa_conc /= mem_imset.
subst. exact: enfa_concIl.
- move => [[s /imsetP [? ? [?]] /enfa_concE [x1] [x2] [? ? ?] |s]]; last by case/imsetP.
exists x1; exists x2. repeat (split => //). apply/exists_inP. by exists s;subst.
Definition enfa_star : enfa :=
{| enfa_s := [set None];
enfa_f := [set None];
enfa_trans c p q :=
match c,p,q with
Some a,Some p', Some q' => q' \in nfa_trans p' a
| None, Some p', None => p' \in nfa_fin A1
| None, None, Some s => s \in nfa_s A1
| _,_,_ => false
end |}.
Lemma enfa_s_None : None \in enfa_s enfa_star.
Proof. by rewrite inE. Qed.
Lemma enfa_f_None : None \in enfa_f enfa_star.
Proof. by rewrite inE. Qed.
Hint Resolve enfa_s_None enfa_f_None : core.
Lemma enfa_star_cat x1 x2 (p : enfa_star) :
enfa_accept p x1 -> enfa_lang enfa_star x2 -> enfa_accept p (x1 ++ x2).
elim => {p x1}.
- move => p. rewrite inE => /eqP->. case => q. by rewrite inE => /eqP->.
- move => p a q x /=. case: p => // p. case: q => // q pq ? IH H. exact: EnfaSome (IH H).
- move => [p|] [q|] x //= p1 p2 IH H; exact: EnfaNone (IH H).
Lemma enfa_starI x (p : A1) : nfa_accept p x -> @enfa_accept enfa_star (Some p) x.
elim: x p => /= [p H|a x IH p].
- apply: (@EnfaNone enfa_star _ None) => //. exact: EnfaFin.
- case/exists_inP => q q1 /IH. exact: EnfaSome.
Lemma enfa_star_langI x : x \in nfa_lang A1 -> @enfa_accept enfa_star None x.
case/exists_inP => s s1 s2.
apply: (@EnfaNone enfa_star _ (Some s)) => //. exact: enfa_starI.
Lemma enfa_starE (o : enfa_star) x : enfa_accept o x ->
if o is Some p
then exists x1 x2, [/\ x = x1 ++ x2, nfa_accept p x1 & star (nfa_lang A1) x2]
else star (nfa_lang A1) x.
elim => {x o}.
- move => [q|//]. by rewrite inE; move/eqP.
- move => [p|] a [q|] x // H acc [x1] [x2] [H1 H2 H3]. exists (a::x1); exists x2.
rewrite H1. split => //. by apply/exists_inP; exists q.
- move => [p|] [q|] x //=.
+ move => *. by exists [::]; exists x.
+ move => H acc [x1] [x2] [H1 H2]. rewrite H1. apply: star_cat.
by apply/exists_inP; exists q.
Lemma enfa_starP x : reflect (enfa_lang enfa_star x) (star (nfa_lang A1) x).
Proof. apply: (iffP idP).
- case/starP => vv H ->. elim: vv H => /= [_|v vv].
+ exists None => //. exact: EnfaFin.
+ move => IH /andP[/andP [H1 H2] H3]. exists None => //.
apply: enfa_star_cat (IH _) => //. exact: enfa_star_langI.
- case => q. rewrite inE => /eqP-> {q}. exact: enfa_starE.
Definition nfa_conc := nfa_of (enfa_conc).
Lemma nfa_conc_correct : nfa_lang nfa_conc =i conc (nfa_lang A1) (nfa_lang A2).
Proof. move => x. apply/nfa_ofP/idP => ?;exact/enfa_concP. Qed.
Definition nfa_star := nfa_of (enfa_star).
Lemma nfa_star_correct : nfa_lang nfa_star =i star (nfa_lang A1).
Proof. move => x. apply/nfa_ofP/idP => ?;exact/enfa_starP. Qed.
End eNFAOps.
Section NFARun.
Variable (M : nfa).
Inductive nfa_run : word -> M -> seq M -> Prop :=
| run0 p of p \in nfa_fin M : nfa_run [::] p [::]
| runS a p q x r & q \in nfa_trans p a : nfa_run x q r -> nfa_run (a::x) p (q::r).
Lemma nfa_acceptP x p : reflect (exists r, nfa_run x p r) (nfa_accept p x).
apply: (iffP idP) => [|[r]].
- elim: x p => [|a x IHx] p /=; first by exists [::]; constructor.
case/exists_inP => q p1 p2. case (IHx q p2) => r ?. by exists (q::r); constructor.
- elim: x r p => [|a x IHx] r p; first by inversion 1; subst.
inversion 1; subst. apply/exists_inP. exists q => //. exact: IHx H4.
Lemma run_size x r p : nfa_run x p r -> size x = size r.
Proof. by elim => // {r p x} a p q r x _ _ /= ->. Qed.
Lemma nfaP x : reflect (exists s r, s \in nfa_s M /\ nfa_run x s r) (x \in nfa_lang M).
apply: (iffP exists_inP).
- case => s ? /nfa_acceptP [r] ?. by exists s; exists r.
- case => s [r] [? ?]. exists s => //. apply/nfa_acceptP. by exists r.
Lemma run_last x p r : nfa_run x p r -> last p r \in nfa_fin M.
Proof. by elim. Qed.
Lemma run_trans x p r i (Hi : i < size x) : nfa_run x p r ->
nth p (p::r) i.+1 \in nfa_trans (nth p (p::r) i) (tnth (in_tuple x) (Ordinal Hi)).
move => H. elim: H i Hi => {x p r} // a p q x r tr run IH /= [|i] Hi //.
rewrite !(set_nth_default q); try by rewrite /= -(run_size run) // ltnW.
rewrite {1}[nth]lock (tnth_nth a) /=. rewrite ltnS in Hi.
rewrite -{3}[i]/(nat_of_ord (Ordinal Hi)).
by rewrite -[x]/(tval (in_tuple x)) -tnth_nth -lock IH.
The following lemma uses in_tuple and tnth in order to avoid
having to assume the existence of a default symbol
Lemma runI x s r :
size r = size x -> last s r \in nfa_fin M ->
(forall i : 'I_(size x),
nth s (s::r) i.+1 \in nfa_trans (nth s (s::r) i) (tnth (in_tuple x) i)) ->
nfa_run x s r.
elim: x s r => [|a x IHx ] s r /=.
- move/eqP => e inF _. rewrite size_eq0 in e. rewrite (eqP e) in inF *. exact: run0.
- case: r => // p r /eqP /=. rewrite eqSS => /eqP R1 R2 I.
apply: runS (I ord0) _ => /=. apply: IHx => // i.
move: (I (inord i.+1)). rewrite /tnth /= !inordK /= ?ltnS //.
rewrite !(set_nth_default p) /= ?R1 // 1?ltnW ?ltnS //.
by rewrite -[x]/(val (in_tuple x)) -!tnth_nth.
End NFARun.
Decidability of Language Emptiness
Definition nfa_inhab (N : nfa) := dfa_inhab (nfa_to_dfa N).
Lemma nfa_inhabP N : reflect (exists w, w \in nfa_lang N) (nfa_inhab N).
apply: (iffP (dfa_inhabP _)).
- move => [x]. rewrite -nfa_to_dfa_correct. by exists x.
- move => [x ?]. exists x. by rewrite -nfa_to_dfa_correct.
Lemma nfa_regular L :
regular L <-T-> { N : nfa | forall x, L x <-> x \in nfa_lang N }.
split => [[A]|[N]] H.
exists (dfa_to_nfa A) => x. by rewrite -dfa_to_nfa_correct.
exists (nfa_to_dfa N) => x. by rewrite -nfa_to_dfa_correct.
End NFA.
Arguments nfaP {char M x}.